Friday, January 20, 2012

Safe and Sound

Okay I made it! After a stinking long flight I made it to Johannesburg around 7 last night. I was a wondering what I would do if no one was there to pick me up.... but then I found them :) I'm staying at a flat in Potchefstroom with ... I think 7... other volunteers, 2 boys and 5 girls. They are all from Germany but they all know english fairly well. Let's not talk about my lack of knowledge on languages : / .

The Program I'm volunteering for is called Mosaic ( ). First day at the preschool today with the cutest kids running around me yelling mama to get my attention :). i found the baby I'm going to take home! Now I just have to figure out how... :)

So my computer is about to die and I have yet to find an adapter for my power cord... so my next post might not be for a little while. But know that as for now I am safe and sound.

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